Tuesday, April 1, 2014

setup Rsyslog and Mongodb on Centos 6.3

I did some modify and correct some errors from following  links.

The reference links:

//make sure that you install the EPEL source.

Install Apache + PHP:
$yum install httpd php
$chkconfig httpd on
$service httpd start

Install Adiscon Loganalyzer:
$yum install php-bcmath php-gd
Download, install and configure Adiscon Loganalyzer as documented in the INSTALL file to "/var/www/html". You can find the INSTALL file in the loganalyzer sources.
// cp all the folders and files from "/src" to "/var/www/html"

Install MongoDB:
$yum install mongodb mongodb-server php-pecl-mongo
$chkconfig mongod on
$service mongod start

Install the follow three packages with order: libestr -> libee -> liblognorm.
The reason why we need to build them from source is that we need to compile the Rsyslog by ourself.

Install libee, libestr, liblognorm:
$yum install gcc make pkgconfig
Download, compile and install sources with:
$./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64/ --includedir=/usr/include --prefix=/usr
$make install

Install libmongo-clientInstall libmongo-client:
$yum install git automake autoconf libtool glib2-devel
$git clone git://github.com/algernon/libmongo-client.git
$cd libmongo-client
$./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64/ --includedir=/usr/include --prefix=/usr
$make install
you may need following packages:
yum install json-c-devel libuuid libuuid-devel 

Install rsyslog:

yum install rsyslog-mongodb

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